My niece's name is Kayla Antonette Tiana Effemka. She's 5 months old. Her birthday is April 16, 2008. Her parents are; Kaitlynn Effemka and Antone Alexie. Her aunties and uncles are; Donavon A., Moxie A., Charles A., Phyllis E., Dana E., (Me)Amber E. and Anastasia A. Her grandparents are; Moxie Alexie Sr., *Mary Lou Alexie*, Kuzma Effemka and Barbara Effemka. Her great grandparents are; Mary Effemka, *Golga Effemka*, *Herbert Egnaty Sr.*, and *Annie Egnaty*. Her god mother is Lou Ann Egnaty. Her god brothers and sisters are; Ivy M., Garrett M., Leatha S., and Marlene W. And her first cousins are; Ashley Alexie and Aiden John.
Your niece is sooooooo cute! It makes me miss my nieces so much.
So cutest. Who's Antone?
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